When we live in a time where we can see what is happening in
other countries and places and can see atrocities happen yet we don’t do the
right thing even though we could, isn’t there something wrong there? When women
of America claim to care about women’s rights yet defend and cover up for a
religion that blatantly persecutes them and makes them victims, haven’t we
already lost? When these women are able to be convinced that their democrat
saviors are doing everything for them and helping the world so much while in
reality they are lying on the news, or just not covering stories does that not
mean that we have already lost?
I mean there are awful things happening to women and just
people in general in the middle east (for one example) yet the media wants to hide
stories and facts for whatever their deeper purpose is. I could speculate but
it’s most likely a culmination of reasons. And the fact that with all this
technology and information sharing people are still so able to be duped? People
still cling to one source and don’t question what is told to them?! What is
going on here?? Is there even any saving the human race if they are so dumb and
ignorant they can be so swayed and duped by the media? I don’t get it.
We had it here, in America, we had a free country where the
little guy could rise to the top with hard work. Now it’s been corrupted and
people just listen and follow like sheep listening to false promises and lies.
And they don’t question their dear ‘leaders’
So I say, have we not already lost? With this control of the
media, the infotainment prevalence instead of facts, the mindless people just
wanting to plop in front of a tv and be told what to think, the loss of
ambition and recognition of what is possible. I can’t stand it. People and
human potential are being wasted everywhere and it’s bad for the individual as
well as the whole world.
So sure we’re the ‘most free’ country out there, but in a
fucked up world where dictators and rulers are the majority and horrible
practices are accepted in many place, how the hell is that anything to be
fucking proud of? We (America) were once something to be proud of, but instead
of spreading our values of freedom and forcing the rulers of the fucked up
countries to be like America had once been, we moved closer to being like them,
suppressive and controlling. And it just keeps getting worse, it’s so bad we
can’t even call a spade a spade and call out a fucking terrorist for what it
is! Like calling fort hood workplace violence… wtf!
So with all the facts in my face, the facts so many want to
just ignore and allow the corrupt to get away with, I just see that we have
already lost in a big way. We are more like the controlling suppressive
ignorant governments of the corrupt countries and far less like the country
America started out as. It makes me sad but at least some people fight it.
Ron Paul & Judge Andrew Napolitano, these are two men
who I admire and appreciate greatly for their efforts. While the media tries to
spin them away into looking crazy, the patriots see through these lies to two
men who would rather let you make a decision for yourself than let a distant
autocracy decide for you. In any case, besides hurting others or taking
advantage, you should be free to do what you want. After all, isn’t this our
individual life? Why should someone else have the right to force you to do what
they think should be done?
Side note:
And just thinking of all the little sects and groups and
industries that could have formed, this could have been a wonderful place,
people moving to the places that suit them. The Christian sector, the bhuddist
sector, atheist, slutty, moral, hippie, all the different ways, and you would
see what those sectors bring and choose which one to enter. Instead, many tried
to force all citizens to be one way and put down the ones who aren’t like them.
Then the ones with the most followers win the day until the next sector gets
more. That’s why it needed to be as the founders set up, maybe even a bit more
free, and let people live how they wish. But
as we can see the different specific sects took control at various times and
passed laws to their beliefs such as marital benefits and outlawing polygamy
for the Christian rulers or progressives with their New Deal and Social
Security, and all the following kinds in their turn.
now we’re stuck with many laws thanks to various people’s wishes and personal
beliefs when it was all supposed to be about freedom of choice in the first
place!! It’s bullshit.
It creates criminal elements where there shouldn’t be and keeps a certain few
in power where they shouldn’t be. We need a free market and a free country,
it’s the only way to save humanity and keep us free from tyranny. The founders
had it set up perfect for us, it’s the ones who followed who slowly changed it
and created this monstrosity we are all living in today. And while it may not
be as bad as a place such as Iran or China yet, we are obviously on that path
and drastic action needs to be taken before we are no better than the rest.
But without a media asking real questions and instead
covering up real news, I don’t know if that’s possible. Too many people just
blindly believe what the mass media tells them and act on poor information
which is bringing the last free country down to its knees, and you can guarantee
that’s why freedom of press was included in the bill of rights, to have an
informed public that can vote with accurate info about how the elected
officials are behaving.
But what happens when that press becomes corrupt and a large
puppet for the controlling elites? People get false, spun and incomplete info
and act on it causing problems for us all. And we are seeing it happen and it’s
so hard to believe so many people are really that deceivable & just believe
what they hear without further research. But they have worked hard to make it that
way, public schools are basically drone
factories, but that’s a topic for a different day. Some of us may have gone
through drone training, but that doesn’t mean they can succeed in turning us
all into their drones and mindless followers. Fuck that.
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