The whole 47% of the people lost business is not cool,
everyone in this country matters and it’s the ones being duped so wrongly that
matter the most. They have this suppressive govt holding them down by ‘giving
them fish’ and not ‘teaching them how to fish’ which makes them complacent and
willing to accept a lower quality of life than they could get on their own if
they just tried and worked, but also had an environment where they could
thrive. It’s all a big circle and I think the progressives set this loop on
purpose hoping soon the loop would be so full of people wanting the govt dole,
that us workers and thinkers have no choice in many matters that affect us.
But I think I can reach them, I have to at least give it a shot. First we need a free market
though. But for right now I would tell them they can make it big too, the
information they could attain is so vital for them to have a better life and
they could make their life so much better if they would just take the reins.
But what the progressives have done for so long, with these poor education
camps and enabling truly un-needed welfare, is make certain groups used to this
nonproductive way of life and not cognizant of how much they could actually do
with their own lives.
And this makes me mad b/c it is hurting my fellow man, it is
hurting other humans and not allowing them an environment to grow or a comprehension of how much they could
achieve. It underestimates the power of the individual and it’s all for the
ends of the politician staying in power. So I’m here to try and wake you up and
ask you to question your govt, question their motives, question yourself! Are
you really doing all you could in your life to make it the best it could be?
The best it could be for yourself?
If you are able bodied but not working or looking for a job
then I would say no, you are not. You all have the ability to be as great as
the richest man on wall street, you do! You have just been told so many lies
that you have to be a certain way, or brought up in a certain place to achieve
it, but that is a Lie. If you put forth the effort, in things you love and want
to do, then you may just surprise yourself and find out you can be great in
whatever you try.
This is why a free market with low barriers to entry is so
incredibly important, the more free the market the more possibilities you have
to open your own kind of business and follow your dreams. But with the lies
told to you and unnecessary regulations being passed, it makes it harder to
join the market and therefore their lies more true, and I need you to see they
do it on purpose, this is why we must fight!
We cannot allow a controlling govt take over the last free
country under the guise of charity and helping people, it is not what they’re
doing! Just please look into what you hear more, question the ‘facts’ they tell
you, look at the same story from a few different sources, you may just be
surprised at how much you will find they have left out of a story, or how
skewed the perspective is. Open up your minds and hearts and you will see that
in this world, you cannot trust one source. Question what I say, see if it’s
true, you will unfortunately see I am, which makes me sad b/c this world should
not have to be like this.
If we all worked up to our potential in a free market, just
imagine what kind of businesses and opportunities there could be. Think of what
you love most and how you could be an owner of a business selling it, be it
almost anything, and get mad that it is being suppressed by people who simply
want power. By people who saw an opportunity to weasel their way into our govt
and make drastic changes that alters what our founders set up in almost
irreparable ways, but that many of us are still fighting to repair.
To all you who think
you need the govt to help them make it
through the day or even your whole life, I say get mad at them for making you, an
individual who could achieve great things, into a person who has to depend on a
govt, someone who has to rely on them taking from others to give to them.. Someone
who will never know who they truly are b/c the govt has tricked them into
believing they can’t become rich and powerful themselves, that only the govt or
greedy businessmen have that kind of ability… Not you an individual… Not in this world..
And this makes me angry, angry at a govt who is making
people believe that they have to settle for a lower quality of life than they
could have. Basically saying middle class is all we can achieve, and I say no,
that’s just the beginning! The more successful and wealthy people there are,
the better things are for all of us. But the cronies of big govt want only a
certain kind and a certain few people in power, and I say forget that. In a
free market it’s the people who decide with their purchases who will be
successful, not like what we have now where govt subsidies and laws passed for
friends decides who will succeed. We
have the power and ability to make it big ourselves if they would stop trying
to hold us down!
It gets to me b/c this is basically the message I have been
hearing myself. And if I get the notion to try and start a business, all the
red tape and regulations and barriers there are to entry become clear, and I
want to tear them down so that we all have a fair shot, as we all should! Stop
buying the lies and being tricked. As a normal citizen who has been where you
are I am here to fight for you, for us, b/c if they keep up this way, the old
notion of truth and facts will be so far gone we will all just be operating
under the guise of lies, lies told by them to get US to do what They want. I
say no more, I say we must stop it before it happens, and I say we all must
fight to do it! And we can!